Sunday, June 24, 2007

Introduction to the Edge of the City Blog

I don't know if I consider myself a blogger. If you don't consider yourself the person who really cares about a blog we might fit perfectly together, if you love blogs, well, we still may get along pretty well. I think of what I'll be posting here more of essays, examinations, confessions, and the like.

The idea of starting a blog began, and Imight lose some of you here, with the desire to share my thoughts about a certain television show that I admire. I found it preferable that I should not limit myself to one topic (which is, you could say, what blogging is about) and therefore resolve to use this blog for the expression on all things, whether political, or non-political, may it be about a movie, or a film, or a great novel that inspired me, or an image, of a tree, or a mountain, or the sight of the lights of my city, as seen from the edge of the city.

If those words don't excite you, then I don't know what will, as I sat down writing this with nothing in particular to say, and ended it with something that has just in these last minutes moved me. Hey, I think I'm starting to like the idea of a blog, all the more since I have just began one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.